Gardening in January?
Need Help with Your 2021 Vegetable Garden? It’s not too early to be thinking about your 2021 vegetable garden. Whether you are a...

"The Extra Hand"
Our clients turn to us first for reliable and thorough House Checks when they are away on business or vacation trips, extended seasonal...

Marketing 101
As we enter year three, we looked back to our early discussions of what to name our fledgling. We decided to include one of the many...

Spring Yard Cleanup Tips
Spring Yard Cleanup: Get Spring Lawn Tips from CHPS StartFragment Kick-Start the Growing Season with Spring Yard Cleanup Spring clean...

Vermont: Average Housing Stock, 40-50 years old
How Old Is Your State's Housing Stock? | Realtor Magazine[if gte IE 7]><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"...

A Vermonter’s Guide to Residential Solar
A Vermonter’s Guide to Residential Solar The Vermont Public Service Board has published a very thorough guide for Vermonters interested...

Is the Home Office Tax Deduction for You?
This article is brought to you from CHPS, your helpful and friendly “General Store” and source for hard-to-find professional and...

Cold Weather House Prep
StartFragment Got Leaky Windows? 3 Low-Cost Tips to Fix Them By: Nicolette Toussaint I used to hang an extra woolly robe in my bathroom...

Design Trends in Home Building
BUILDER magazine recently published a list of design trends that are popular among real estate and construction professionals. Chipman...

Porches are Pushing out Decks in Popularity
Porches Are Pushing Out Decks in Popularity | Realtor Magazine[if gte IE 7]><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"...